We need better influenza vaccines. How WellKiwis is helping

The WellKiwis Study is a ground-breaking influenza research study and the first of its kind! Unlike a common cold, influenza is a serious illness that affects millions of people globally including young children, pregnant women, older adults, and people with underlying medical conditions. Studies have shown that a person’s first exposure to the flu virus has a great effect on their immunity against the flu in subsequent exposures.

Led by scientists at the Institute of Environmental Science and Research (ESR), the WellKiwis study follows adults, children and households, watching closely to see how the first exposure to the flu or flu vaccine influences their ongoing immune response as they grow, and how the flu is spread in a household setting.

The findings will hopefully lead to a universal flu vaccine for everyone, prevent pandemics and save lives.


 Learn more about WellKiwis by watching the video below.


Sunday TVNZ

WellKiwis was featured on TVNZ’s Sunday show. Watch below to learn how WellKiwis is helping develop better vaccines including COVID-19.


WellKiwis Infant Study

WellKiwis Household